
We regularly host workshops to introduce students to new techniques and materials. Workshops typically meet on one day for around 3 hours.
Workshops are designed to introduce new processes and challenge students to approach art in a different way and get outside their comfort zone.

Scroll down to see upcoming workshops!

In this Paper Collage Workshop, we'll dive into the world of collage art, crafting unique pieces with paper and fabric as our primary mediums. Through exploration and experimentation, participants will discover a variety of techniques and approaches, drawing inspiration from different examples. During our time together, participants will have the option to focus solely on paper collage or to combine it with drawing and painting. Throughout the workshop, we'll nurture both imaginative and exploratory methods in collage-making, encouraging participants to push the boundaries of their creativity while refining their skills in composition and design. From spontaneous compositions to more detailed and refined pieces, each participant will have the opportunity to develop their unique collage style. By the end of the workshop, participants will not only have created captivating collage artworks but will also have gained a deeper understanding of the craft. Let's Cut, Paste, Create together!

Materials will be provided, but we encourage participants to bring old books with many images or magazines that they can use during the workshop.

Cut, Paste, Create:
A Paper Collage Workshop

Instructor: Melina Steiner
Saturday, June 15th, 2024, 11am-2pm
For Beginner and Intermediate students
When: Saturday June 15th, from 11am-2pm
Where: AB Art Studios, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
Price: €50 + €15 materials fee, €65 total

In this painting workshop, participants will immerse themselves in the dynamic world of abstract painting, exploring the expressive potential of color, form, and gesture. Through guided exercises and hands-on experimentation, participants will learn some of the techniques and principles of abstract expressionism, drawing inspiration from the works of renowned artists such as Willem de Kooning, and Joan Mitchell.

Throughout the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to work with a variety of materials, including acrylics, oils, and mixed media, as they explore different approaches to mark-making, layering, and composition. From bold, gestural brushstrokes to subtle textures and washes, participants will discover their unique artistic voice and develop their personal style. The workshop will encourage spontaneity, intuition, and emotional expression, inviting participants to tap into their inner creativity and embrace the freedom of abstract painting.

Whether beginners or experienced artists, participants will receive individualized guidance and feedback, fostering growth and exploration in a supportive and inspiring environment. By the end of the workshop, participants will not only have created captivating abstract artworks but will also have gained a deeper understanding of the abstract expressionist movement and its relevance in contemporary art.

Expressive Abstractions

Instructor: Melina Steiner
Saturday, June 15th, 2024, 11am-2pm
For Beginner and Intermediate students
When: Saturday July 13th, from 11am-2pm
Where: AB Art Studios, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
Price: €50 + €15 materials fee, €65 total